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Reality Creators

Posted on: August 23rd, 2022 by Customer Service
Title: The Reality Creators


Author: Christopher Hall

Subject: Fiction

Release Date: Available now

Reviewer: M Dwyer

The Reality Creators is a social, political, and economic narrative that compares life now to life prior to formal organizations. Its premise states that we were more free thinking in the days of old and that the media and political leaders have corrupted our thought process. They have manipulated us into thinking the real world is a natural process, void of artificial ingredients. They have made us see things as they want us to see them.


The Reality Creators profit off the poor. The chapters focusing on the U.S. Border Patrol are enlightening. While some civilians have a fair grasp of military life, many probably have no clue as to what border patrol agents go through and what they see every day. Many people can resonate with joining the military to escape a life they either dislike, or seems like a long road to nowhere. The author hits on many points that describe emotions that an exclusive collection of people feel.

Wow. This is well done. The author’s intent for writing this piece is clear. The set-up of the book is easy to follow, and the introduction does a good job of telling the reader how to read the material—hope that makes sense. The writing shows skill, and the word economy is effective at preventing boredom.

I like how the author breaks down the workings of the economy. This will help people who think the solution to a better economy is to print more money. Much more goes into it as many of us understand

Reality Creators is an easy read because of how well it is written, yet it is an intense read because of the subject. This book is the result of critical thinking, which is a good thing. This should spark critical thinking in the reader, we can hope. With that said, the author might want to consider adding a few pages for notes in the back of the book. This gives readers a needed release valve due to the intensity of the work and allows them to get their thoughts on paper.

A couple of points here about opinion. Of course, the book is the author’s opinion based on the proof of his critical thinking in his resources. This isn’t some fly-by-night venting that made this manuscript. There are a couple of passages that caught my eye, though, and I’m not sure where the thoughts came from. First, the author implies that the Reality Creators meet in secret to plan. Second, the author states that the Reality Creators believe us to be lazy and stupid. The former statement cannot be backed up with critical thinking because there is no way to tell if that is true. Plus, the latter could be seen as totally opposite. What if the Reality Creators see us as hard-working and extremely intelligent, and that’s why they dominate us? They don’t want to lose their control. I’m not saying either of these as my opinion, I am simply playing the devil’s advocate here.

As a reminder, the author should make sure he has permission from copyright holders to include the works and words of other people.

Last thing, and I touched on this in the last review. The title is boring. I know as authors we love our titles. This is just one opinion and I encourage the author to seek other opinions from people he trusts. Other people might love the title. The author is not wrong to keep it, but just a thought: Having some type of title and label for these Reality Creators, something catchier, might break up some of the intensity of the read. The term Reality Creators is used 219 times in a book with roughly 150 pages when using industry standard word counts. And this is not considering the bibliography that uses up some of these pages. If the author decides not to change the title, perhaps he can consider finding a way to cut down on saturating his book with it.

Overall, this is work is well done, and the improvements have done this manuscript justice. Great job!