Title: Primitive Prose
Author: Cecelia Rose
Subject: Non-fiction
Release Date: Available Now
Reviewer: Michelle Dwyer
Primitive Prose is a collection of passages written in dedication to the author’s mother. They are set in lyric and read like a story. They cover a range of topics that evoke powerful imagery, scenes written in beautiful color.
Wow. This manuscript held my attention from the beginning and still resonates as I write this review. The work here is absolutely stunning, and it is hard to find a flaw. Very, very well done. I like the variety the author creates when mixing in a noticeably short poem/story in the midst of longer passages. It makes the reader embrace the world the author has written without needing to pause too much.
The structure of the manuscript lends itself to either a book of poetry or a book of short stories that are not well-defined. Normally, I would criticize this as having no solid direction, but for some reason, it works wonderfully here. It’s as though the author added a level of unknown to the haunting of the words, making the messages more addicting. Another aspect that stands out is the use of metaphor. While this work fills the reader with metaphorical line, purple prose, and personification, it’s done using crafted rhetoric that is unique and punches the right nerves. For example, “…the persistence of iron gates.”
The only criticism I have, if any, is that Ugly Things seems a bit too long for the structure that the author has chosen. The beauty of prose relies on its brevity when written in lyric, and Ugly Things seems to go on a bit long for me. Writing is subjective, however, and another reviewer may find it just fine. Either way, it is powerful.
As a suggestion, check the number of blank pages in the digital copy and recheck once the book it prints, to make sure there are no extra pages. Also, since the author dedicated this work to her mother, and much of the content seems to connect with the author’s pain in losing her, and the joy of experiencing her in life, the author could add a quick author’s note. She could talk about her mother and what prompted her to write this work.
The manuscript seems proofread. I found little to no grammatical errors and typos. I like the use of lowercase as well. It fits.
As mentioned earlier, writing is up to the opinion of the individual reader’s perception and feelings. Fiction is not a fact. For this reason, the author could consider getting a second review. I say this because I too lost my mother and this book resonated with me. It promotes healing, I think. When looking at the broader picture, a wider audience, we can’t say how well it will touch everybody. Just a thought.